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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Roadside Culinary Tour

To be able to enjoy the delicious food, do not go to a fancy restaurant. Culinary tourism in the street is also exciting. To hunt food convenient, first these five tips.
Food tents selling food in the street sometimes for more exciting atmosphere. Apart from that the food in the restaurant sells bored tourists usually choose the culinary side of the road because of the low price.

1 Recommendations from friends or the media
Try something new has to make us wonder. For the question of food should be kept. Rather disappointed in the end, it is best to come to a stall in the street, on the basis of recommendations from friends or family. If they give a signal that the food in the place where you want to go wrong when you try to come.

Aside from friends, recommendations for dinner, a variety of media. We had to rethink a lot of print and electronic media to many roadside restaurants. It can not hurt to the comments that you hear culinary increasingly

2 Other Visitors

It is difficult to get recommendations from friends or the media, you can see if you eat when you give a sense of satisfaction or do not want to try. It is lightweight, easy to whether a large number of visitors who come to the store to see. The more visitors who lined up, usually the most delicious food sold anyway.

3 Note the cleanliness of the place

Before the food is delicious, is when hygiene is very important. Before entering and decided to order food, the cleanliness of the place first. Eating on the road does not mean forgetting this factor. Do not get stomach pain after eating instead of you because it is dirty.

4 Shop around

Roadside food stands steep price. Before eating, you'll want to check the price first. If the price is considered expensive, new messages you want a decent meal. Not before "shot" at a low price food.

5 Bring hand sanitizer / wipes

Stall in the street does not offer all the facilities of hand sanitizer. After dinner, dirty hands are usually washed with a bowl of water. This is certainly not a right. Now therefore have first-hand how disinfectant hand sanitizer or wipes that you can buy at the store.

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