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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Enjoying Holidays in Malioboro

Jogja, a city that is full of charm with friendly people and people always defended the values ​​of their culture. Jogja is one of the cities tourist destinations in Indonesia. Suitable for domestic travelers or foreign tourists. Enjoy holiday in jogja certainly better with the help of car rental. In addition to practice, we were able to visit a tourist attraction that is famous.

Identical to Malioboro Jogja city, Malioboro Jogja is the heart of the city, as it is the center of government. Tourist Malioboro has become a paradise for shopping. Different types of memories and
snacks There is a tone of batik jogja with prices generally very friendly.

Malioboro is a road to the right, left, his legs with shops and traders and the collection of five batik and souvenirs typical jogja has filled. Will feel the atmosphere and tourism soon feel the foot in Malioboro. Enjoy walking the streets clean and ornaments in the selection of different crafts as a bracelet or a necklace for carry-through by or for you.

Besides batik and souvenirs, you can open the day to enjoy culinary journey Lesehan style, usually
home dining tent without chairs evening. While enjoy various delicious dishes jogja, you can enjoy the atmosphere accompanied the Malioboro in the night by the sound of melodious tones entertainer jogja.

Accommodation in Malioboro area so much on the well-equipped price. Street Sosrowijayan Sosrokusuman and very close to Malioboro is his house or cheap hotel in the center, in the most visited by tourists from different countries family.

Malioboro Street is indeed famous and one of the cities icon jogja, not incomplete, it feels jogja  still in Yogyakarta.

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